Chartered Flights on Private Jets by the administrators of West Virginia University


All passengers sorted by name alphabetically

Also view: Frequent Fliers, Most Miles

Karyn Riedeman Wallace

HSC (Health Sciences Center) (Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI))

w/ others
# 3 trips
3,228.63 nmi.

Kate Bolyard

WVU student from Martinsburg (President's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
270.81 nmi.

Katelyn Crowder

Neurology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Kathy DeWeese

Director or University Content, UR (UR)

w/ others
# 1 trips
931.23 nmi.

Katie Condon

w/ others
# 1 trips
2,195.34 nmi.

Kaylee Purpura

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Kayli Kellogg

Child (Intercollegiate Athletics)

w/ others
# 2 trips
6,014.49 nmi.

Keith Bailey

Dean, CAC (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 6 trips
5,825.50 nmi.

Keith Jackson

Dean, College of Creative Arts (Provost's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
521.96 nmi.

Keli Cunningham

WVU Athletics/Deputy Athletic Director (WVU Athletics)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Keli Marie Zinn

WVU Athletics staff (Athletics)

w/ others
# 2 trips
3,359.53 nmi.

Kelly Devlin

Neurology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Kelly Nix

Teaching Assistant Professor, Management (College of B&E)

w/ others
# 1 trips
2,743.12 nmi.

Kelly Saunders Flanagan

Director, University Events (President's Office)

w/ others
# 3 trips
933.08 nmi.

Kelsey Andrews

Neurology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Ken Currie

Professor (Statler College of Business & Economics)

w/ others
# 2 trips
615.70 nmi.

Kenneth Paul Blemings

WVU Dean of Honors College (Provost's Office)

w/ others
# 22 trips
11,690.94 nmi.

Kenneth R Jackson

Spouse of WVU Board of Governors member (President's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
1,429.42 nmi.

Keven Ann Willey

President's Office Guest (President's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
878.51 nmi.

# 1 trips
878.51 nmi.

Kevin Bruce Berry

VP, WVU Alumni Assn (President's Office)

w/ others
# 4 trips
6,004.50 nmi.

Kim Ebert

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Kimra Olde

WVU Donor caretaker (President's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
1,583.56 nmi.

Kirsten Mastrantoni

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Konrad Nau

w/ others
# 1 trips
685.90 nmi.

Kristen Hammer

Business Development Manager at Virgin Hyperloop (President's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
3,442.09 nmi.

Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).

This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.
