Chartered Flights on Private Jets by the administrators of West Virginia University


All passengers sorted by name alphabetically

Also view: Frequent Fliers, Most Miles

Stephen Ballant

w/ others
# 0 trips
0.00 nmi.

Stephen Lee

Exec Director of Admissions (University Relations)

w/ others
# 13 trips
8,711.43 nmi.

Steve Belcher

WVU ITS (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 2 trips
1,080.81 nmi.

Steve Bonanno

Director of Extension Service (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 6 trips
5,573.74 nmi.

Steve Farmer

Hazel Ruby McQuain Trust Board of Trustees (President's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
916.48 nmi.

Steve Hoffman

WVU Medicine (HSC VP)

w/ others
# 1 trips
333.10 nmi.

Steve Lytle

Associate Director of Bands (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 1 trips
1,429.42 nmi.

Steve Storck

WVU Tech Adventures (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 1 trips
1,917.12 nmi.

Steve Uryasz

Deputy Athletics Director (Intercollegiate Athletics)

w/ others
# 2 trips
1,184.41 nmi.

Susan Day-Perroots

Interim Dean / WVU Extension Service (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 11 trips
6,415.95 nmi.

Susan Hardesty

Former WVU First Lady (President's Office)

w/ others
# 4 trips
2,095.85 nmi.

Susan Thon

Spouse of former WVU president (President's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
994.63 nmi.

Suzanne Bentzel

Fed & State Higher Ed Initiatives (Legal Affairs Administration)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Sven Verlinden

Davis College (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Sylvana Salama

Neurology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

T Hahn

w/ others
# 1 trips
632.86 nmi.

T Jones

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Tahlia Thomas

WVU ITS (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 1 trips
741.48 nmi.

Tammy L. Cavender

Travel Coordinator (Athletic Department)

w/ others
# 3 trips
6,594.11 nmi.

Tara Hulsey

School of Nursing Dean (Health Sciences Center)

w/ others
# 1 trips
339.23 nmi.

Tara Husley

Vice President of Health Promotion and Wellness; Dean of the School of Nursing (Health Sciences Center)

w/ others
# 3 trips
2,367.27 nmi.

Tara Scatterday

Exec. Director, HSC Communications (HSC)

w/ others
# 2 trips
953.17 nmi.

Ted Svehlik

Procurement & Payment Srvcs (VPSI)

w/ others
# 2 trips
615.70 nmi.

Terri Davis

Medicine (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Thomas Fakadej

Ophthalmology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
89.43 nmi.

Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).

This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.
