Chartered Flights on Private Jets by the administrators of West Virginia University


All passengers sorted by name alphabetically

Also view: Frequent Fliers, Most Miles

Douglas Crate

Neurology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Douglas Harrison

w/ others
# 1 trips
2,076.05 nmi.

E Miller

w/ others
# 2 trips
4,304.06 nmi.

E Robinson

w/ others
# 2 trips
860.31 nmi.

E. Gordon Gee

WVU President (President's Office)

w/ others
# 517 trips
399,134.43 nmi.

# 137 trips
94,669.35 nmi.

Elaine McVay

Director of Housing Marketing (WVU University Relations)

w/ others
# 1 trips
2,743.12 nmi.

Eldon Callen

Mon Co Commission President (Accompanying Rob Alsop)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Elizabeth Dickinson

w/ others
# 1 trips
678.70 nmi.

Elizabeth Hamilton

Provost's Office (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 3 trips
1,325.87 nmi.

Elizabeth Pacer

Neurology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Elizabeth Reynolds

Assoc. VP, Planning & Treasury Options (Institutional Research)

w/ others
# 4 trips
1,434.50 nmi.

Elizabeth Vitullo

assistant vice president of economic innovation (Economic Innovation)

w/ others
# 10 trips
11,183.44 nmi.

Ellen Cappellanti

Former WVU Board of Governors member, chair of the search committee when President McConnell was selected as the WVU College of Law Dean (President's Office)

w/ others
# 3 trips
3,250.73 nmi.

Emial Al-Mutaire

official delegation from the Royal University for Women (President's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
333.10 nmi.

Emily Despeaux

Medicine (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Emily Lyons

Spouse of WVU Athletic Director (President's Office/Athletics)

w/ others
# 8 trips
9,374.94 nmi.

Emily Mago

Child of Dean Cadidate (Academic Affairs)

w/ others
# 2 trips
2,411.06 nmi.

Emily Minor

Neurology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Emily Witsberger

Medicine (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Emma Eggleston

Campus Dean, Eastern Division (VP HSC)

w/ others
# 2 trips
1,359.39 nmi.

Enid Joy Schatz

Spouse of Simon Mitchell

w/ others
# 2 trips
2,435.42 nmi.

Eric Lawrence Dunithan

Neurology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Eric Seachrist

Neurology (WVUSoM)

w/ others
# 1 trips
307.85 nmi.

Eric Tarr

WV State Senate, District 4 (President's Office)

w/ others
# 1 trips
692.31 nmi.

Erica Batton

w/ others
# 2 trips
615.70 nmi.

Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).

This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.
