Trip ID | Date | Route | Aircraft | Passengers | Distance | Flight Hours | Total Cost |
#069313 | Feb 15, 2019 | LBE-MRB-MGW-CRW-MGW-MRB-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N369MN) | C. Marsh , J. Coben , E. Eggleston , A. Gray , N. Fiore , G. Perry | 567.61 nmi | 3.0 | $9,456.80 |
#066361 | Jun 6-7, 2018 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-TTN-RON(1)-TTN-MRB-MGW-LBE | Citation Bravo (N26AP) | E. Gee , T. Mollohan , A. Berry , J. McConnell , J. Alsop , C. Marsh , W. Ramsey , E. Eggleston , A. Karshenas | 791.78 nmi | 4.3 | $13,966.75 |
Total 2 trips | 7.3 | $23,423.55 | |||||
est. Federal Excise Tax† | $1,756.77 |
† : Federal Excise Tax is only an estimate of the actual, at 7.5%.
maps.Params{"draft":false, "iscjklanguage":false, "lastdept":"Campus Dean, Eastern Division", "lastvpdiv":"VP HSC", "name":"Emma Eggleston", "persontype":"wvu", "totalsolocost":0, "totalsolodistance":0, "totalsolotrips":0, "totaltripcost":23423.55, "totaltripdistance":1359.3901342845488, "totaltrips":2, "trips":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Bravo", "approvedby":"", "carbon":6573214, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":9739.5, "crew_expense":700, "domestic_tax":33.6, "fuel":1973.08, "hourly_rate":2265, "landing_fees":1520.57}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":791.7846376565467, "enddate":"2018-06-07", "flighthours":4.3, "fuelburn":0, "id":"066361", "invoice":"", "justification":"Various meetings at the State Capitol - see below\n\nMeetings with the WV Governor as well as other state officials at the state capitol regarding higher education in the West Virginia. President Gee will also speak at \"Moving West Virginia Forward: A Leadership Learning Exchange.\" This is a working dinner of the WV Public Education Collaborative. The WVPEC collaborative is working with the Federal Reserve to have an Emerging Issues Learning Exchange with thought leaders in WV and other states, i.e. NC and Georgia. This is in conjunction with the Hunt Institute.", "notes":"", "numpax":9, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4", "department":"WVU HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":9, "personname":"Allie Karshenas", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4", "department":"AVP University Relations", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Ann Bailey Berry", "vpdiv":"University Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4", "department":"WVU HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4", "department":"WVU HSC Eastern Division", "justification":"", "paxno":8, "personname":"Emma Eggleston", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4", "department":"VP Strategic Initiatives", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"James Robert Alsop", "vpdiv":"Strategic Initiatives"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4", "department":"Provost and VP for Academic Affairs", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Joyce Ellen McConnell", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4", "department":"WVU State Relations", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Travis Todd Mollohan", "vpdiv":"Strategic Initiatives"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4", "department":"WVU HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":7, "personname":"William Ramsey", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}}, "regno":"N26AP", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-TTN-RON(1)-TTN-MRB-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-06-06", "totalcost":13966.75}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ3", "approvedby":"", "carbon":4559145, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":7845, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":723.8, "hourly_rate":2615, "landing_fees":738}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":567.605496628002, "enddate":"", "flighthours":3, "fuelburn":0, "id":"069313", "invoice":"", "justification":"Request by Governor Justice to speak on behalf of WVU for a news conference on Opioids.\n\nSpeaking at the request of Governor Justice on the Opioid announcement. The Governor will announce a pilot project in Berkley and Jefferson Counties to address substance use disorder at the local level. A partnership between the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources' (DHHR) Office of Drug Control Policy and West Virginia University (WVU), the project will work with community partners to strengthen and expand prevention and recovery resources.", "notes":"", "numpax":6, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Campus Dean, Eastern Division", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Angela Gray", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"WVU HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Campus Dean, Eastern Division", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Emma Eggleston", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Campus Dean, Eastern Division", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Giselle Perry", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"School of Public Health, Dean", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Jeff Coben", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Campus Dean, Eastern Division", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Nathan Fiore", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}}, "regno":"N369MN", "route":"LBE-MRB-MGW-CRW-MGW-MRB-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-02-15", "totalcost":9456.8}}}
Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).
This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.