† : Federal Excise Tax is only an estimate of the actual, at 7.5%.
maps.Params{"draft":false, "iscjklanguage":false, "lastdept":"Forensic and Invest. Science", "lastvpdiv":"Academic Affairs", "name":"Gerald Lang", "persontype":"wvu", "totalsolocost":0, "totalsolodistance":0, "totalsolotrips":0, "totaltripcost":4322.6, "totaltripdistance":263.1332835186573, "totaltrips":1, "trips":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"King Air B200", "approvedby":"", "carbon":1641292, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":3285, "crew_expense":700, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":231.6, "hourly_rate":1825, "landing_fees":106}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":263.1332835186573, "enddate":"2016-05-18", "flighthours":1.8, "fuelburn":0, "id":"059387", "invoice":"", "justification":"Attend meeting at WVU Tech with members from the Chinese Delegation and Tech President, Carolyn Long and also attend Legislative Meeting on behalf of WVU\n\nMembers of the Chinese Delegation will be visiting WVU TECH for an extensive tour of campus - top administrators from WVU (Dean, Weese, Taylor, and Lang) will be part of the visit and potential negotiations due to their extensive knowledge of the grounds and facilities, alongside President Long. While in Charleston, this group will also attend a Legislative Meeting taking place at the Capitol alongside Rob Aslop", "notes":"", "numpax":4, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"5", "department":"Forensic and Invest. Science", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Gerald Lang", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"5", "department":"Admin & Finance", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Narvel Weese", "vpdiv":"Division of Finance"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"5", "department":"Office of the Provost", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Russell Dean", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"5", "department":"General Counsel", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Stephanie Taylor", "vpdiv":"Legal Affairs"}}, "regno":"N5AE", "route":"RON(1)-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2016-05-17", "totalcost":4322.6}}}
Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).
This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.