Trip ID | Date | Route | Aircraft | Passengers | Distance | Flight Hours | Total Cost |
#082252 | Mar 2, 2023 | LBE-MGW-MCO-LBE | Citation Excel (N30EK) | E. Gee , L. Erickson , C. Marsh , M. Reed , J. Alsop | 1,438.98 nmi | 4.4 | $19,031.08 |
#082486 | Jan 30, 2023 | LBE-MGW-BKW-CRW-LBE | Citation CJ4 (N6NY) | E. Gee , M. Reed , K. Flanagan , C. Marsh , G. Corio , A. Berry | 364.14 nmi | 2.4 | $9,675.88 |
#080135 | Jun 29, 2022 | LBE-MGW-CVG-MGW-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N369MN) | E. Gee , M. Reed | 536.23 nmi | 2.5 | $8,828.88 |
#080285 | Jun 13, 2022 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N369MN) | M. Reed , D. Peduto , P. Butler , S. Verlinden , D. Martinelli , B. Davisson , C. Roth | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $6,997.66 |
#072388 | Jan 29-31, 2020 | LBE-MGW-CMH-RON(1)-CMH-MGW-FTY-BCT-FTY-RON(1)-FTY-MGW-LBE | Citation Excel (N504LV) | E. Gee , M. Reed , E. Widders , B. Ratcliff , D. Miller , N. Corcoran , G. Zimmerman | 2,198.49 nmi | 8.0 | $34,835.18 |
#072869 | Jan 8, 2020 | LBE-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | M. Reed , C. Marsh , W. Ramsey , E. Newmeyer , J. Reyes , J. Thompson | 306.83 nmi | 2.0 | $6,141.96 |
#072054 | Nov 19, 2019 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | E. Gee , M. Reed | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $5,813.00 |
#X20190809 | Aug 9, 2019 | LBE-LWB-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | S. Martin , P. Congelio , C. Marsh , L. Miele , M. Reed | 306.68 nmi | 2.0 | $5,686.00 |
#X20190808 | Aug 8, 2019 | LBE-MGW-LWB-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | E. Gee , P. Congelio , C. Marsh , L. Miele , M. Reed , S. Martin , L. Erickson | 306.68 nmi | 2.0 | $5,966.52 |
#070957 | Jul 27, 2019 | LBE-BKW-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | E. Gee , D. Alvarez , M. Reed , C. Marsh , B. Davisson | 339.23 nmi | 2.0 | $5,712.38 |
#070955 | Jul 26, 2019 | LBE-MGW-BKW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | E. Gee , D. Alvarez , M. Reed , C. Marsh , B. Davisson | 339.23 nmi | 2.0 | $5,662.43 |
#X20160330 | Mar 30, 2016 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | King Air B200 (N5AE) | J. McConnell , M. Reed , R. Campione , A. Tuninetti , L. DiBartolomeo , D. DiBartolomeo | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $3,863.96 |
Total 12 trips | 33.3 | $118,214.93 | |||||
est. Federal Excise Tax† | $8,866.12 |
† : Federal Excise Tax is only an estimate of the actual, at 7.5%.
maps.Params{"draft":false, "iscjklanguage":false, "lastdept":"Provost and VP of Academic Affairs", "lastvpdiv":"Provost's Office", "name":"Maryanne Reed", "persontype":"wvu", "totalsolocost":0, "totalsolodistance":0, "totalsolotrips":0, "totaltripcost":118214.93000000002, "totaltripdistance":7060.036024982879, "totaltrips":12, "trips":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3218220, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5040, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":347.43, "hourly_rate":2520, "landing_fees":125}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":339.2312634128367, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"070955", "invoice":"", "justification":"Boy Scouts of America/ Summit Bechtel Reserve visit\n\nHosted by the Boy Scouts of America Office of Philanthropy, passengers will travel to the Summit Bechtel Reservice for the World Scout Jamboree for two days of tours, meetings, unveilings and dedications. WVU has a partnership with the BSA now offering 4-year degrees in Organizational Leadership and Adventure Recreation Management. These two degree programs are focused specifically on preparing students for a future in scouting and other youth development organizations. WVU also partners directly with the SBR with programs such as the Science Adventure School and Science Behind the Sport— a series of educational programs that demonstrate the fundamental principles in the context of adventure activities. The two days at the SBR are part of the 24th World Scout Jamboree. Passengers will engage at various events with WVU and BSA donors, students and potential students through various WVU recruiting efforts.", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"WVU Foundation Chief Development Officer", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Bernard Joseph Davisson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"VP and Exec Dean / WVU Health Sciences", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"WVU BOG Chairman", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"David Alvarez", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"Provost and VP for Academic Affairs", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-MGW-BKW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-07-26", "totalcost":5662.43}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3218220, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5040, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":397.38, "hourly_rate":2520, "landing_fees":125}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":339.2312634128367, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"070957", "invoice":"", "justification":"Boy Scouts of America/ Summit Bechtel Reserve visit\n\nHosted by the Boy Scouts of America Office of Philanthropy, passengers will travel to the Summit Bechtel Reservice for the World Scout Jamboree for two days of tours, meetings, unveilings and dedications. WVU has a partnership with the BSA now offering 4-year degrees in Organizational Leadership and Adventure Recreation Management. These two degree programs are focused specifically on preparing students for a future in scouting and other youth development organizations. WVU also partners directly with the SBR with programs such as the Science Adventure School and Science Behind the Sport— a series of educational programs that demonstrate the fundamental principles in the context of adventure activities. The two days at the SBR are part of the 24th World Scout Jamboree. Passengers will engage at various events with WVU and BSA donors, students and potential students through various WVU recruiting efforts.", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"WVU Foundation Chief Development Officer", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Bernard Joseph Davisson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"VP and Exec Dean / WVU Health Sciences", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"WVU BOG Chairman", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"David Alvarez", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 5", "department":"Provost and VP for Academic Affairs", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-BKW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-07-27", "totalcost":5712.38}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3218220, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5040, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":315, "hourly_rate":2520, "landing_fees":308}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"072054", "invoice":"", "justification":"Annual WV Legislator's Forum\n\nSpeak at a welcome event, (along with university presidents from around WV and TN) prior to the 4th Annual Legislator's Forum on Education and Economy. Topics at the forum will include strategies to increase educational attainment rates; how to ensure graduates can meet workforce demands; local flexibility for superintendents, principals and teachers; teacher preparation to ensure current and future educators infuse innovation and personalized learning in the classroom; and best practices to ensure a culture of entrepreneurship programs in schools. The topic of the event prior to the forum is the evolving landscape of higher education.", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"Provost and VP for Academic Affairs", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-11-19", "totalcost":5813}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Excel", "approvedby":"", "carbon":17735968, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":27000, "crew_expense":1500, "domestic_tax":4.3, "fuel":2727.63, "hourly_rate":3375, "landing_fees":3603.25}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":2198.4857307832917, "enddate":"2020-01-31", "flighthours":8, "fuelburn":0, "id":"072388", "invoice":"", "justification":"student recruiting; state-wide wellness initiative meeting; donor relations\n\nPresident Gee will travel to Columbus to meet with the Columbus Academy for purposes of WVU student recruitment. He will also attend a meeting related to the collective impact effort that WVU is making through the state for wellness and community building. The plane will then retum to MGW, pick up WV passengers for a retention trip to Atlanta (drop them off, see other form), and then fly on to West Palm Beach for multiple donor relations meetings.", "notes":"", "numpax":7, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Assoc. Professor - Str. For Learning", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Betsy Ratcliff", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Professor - Mathematics", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"David Miller", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Assoc. Provost", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Evan Widders", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Executive Director - UR", "justification":"", "paxno":7, "personname":"George Zimmerman", "vpdiv":"University Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Provost", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Professor - English", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Nathalie Corcoran", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}}, "regno":"N504LV", "route":"LBE-MGW-CMH-RON(1)-CMH-MGW-FTY-BCT-FTY-RON(1)-FTY-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2020-01-29", "totalcost":34835.18}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3218220, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5230, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":453.96, "hourly_rate":2615, "landing_fees":308}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":306.82819167998497, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"072869", "invoice":"", "justification":"The attend the State of State address\n\nTo represent WVU at Govemor Jim Justice's State of the State Address and meet with legislature officials on behalf of WVU to discuss the state's budget.", "notes":"", "numpax":6, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Vice President", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Project Director", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Erin Newmeyer", "vpdiv":"Strategic Initiatives"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Director", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Jack Thompson", "vpdiv":"Corporate & Government Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Dean, B&E", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Javier Reyes", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Provost Office", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2", "department":"Assoc. Vice President", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"William Ramsey", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2020-01-08", "totalcost":6141.96}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ3", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3799287, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":6970, "crew_expense":155, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":1298.88, "hourly_rate":2788, "landing_fees":405}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":536.2295203773398, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2.5, "fuelburn":0, "id":"080135", "invoice":"", "justification":"Meeting with University of Cincinnati leadership\n\nTravel for President Gee and Provost Maryanne Reed to the University of Cincinnati to meet with their leadership team and discuss possible collaborations.", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU Provost", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":"WVU Provost's Office"}}, "regno":"N369MN", "route":"LBE-MGW-CVG-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2022-06-29", "totalcost":8828.880000000001}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ3", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3039430, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5576.5, "crew_expense":155, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":856.16, "hourly_rate":2788.25, "landing_fees":410}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"080285", "invoice":"", "justification":"To attend the Benedum Celebration for Mary Hunt\n\n* To attend the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Celebration for Mary Hunt\n* WVU has been a partner with Benedum for several years securing numerous grants and other funding for multiple colleges/proframs within the University.\n* To network and show our support and appreciation of the generosity they have shown us over the years.", "notes":"", "numpax":7, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU Foundation", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Bernard Joseph Davisson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU Foundation", "justification":"", "paxno":7, "personname":"Cynthia Lynne Roth", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Reed College of Media", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Diana Martinelli", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Academic Affairs/Provost", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Donna Peduto", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Academic Affairs/Provost Office", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Davis College", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Peter Butler", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Davis College", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Sven Verlinden", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}}, "regno":"N369MN", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2022-06-13", "totalcost":6997.66}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Excel", "approvedby":"", "carbon":9754782, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":16302, "crew_expense":170, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":2434.08, "hourly_rate":3705, "landing_fees":125}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":1438.9781530661653, "enddate":"", "flighthours":4.4, "fuelburn":0, "id":"082252", "invoice":"", "justification":"Travel for a meeting of the WVU Foundation Board of Directors.", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Chancellor and Executive Dean", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"WVU Health Sciences"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Vice President for Strategic Initiatives", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"James Robert Alsop", "vpdiv":"Government Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU First Lady", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Laurie Erickson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Provost and VP of Academic Affairs", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":"Provost's Office"}}, "regno":"N30EK", "route":"LBE-MGW-MCO-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2023-03-02", "totalcost":19031.08}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ4", "approvedby":"", "carbon":4677146, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":7638, "crew_expense":170, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":1443.2, "hourly_rate":3182.5, "landing_fees":424.68}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":364.14145824390715, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2.4, "fuelburn":0, "id":"082486", "invoice":"", "justification":"Multipurpose trip. See below.\n\nBeckley: Travel for Welcome Event for new WVU Tech campus president Dr. Stuart (hosted by President Gee and Provost Reed), attended by WVU students, faculty, staff, community members, alums and donors. Both spoke at the event.\nCharleston: meetings with legislators during the legislative reception during WVU Day at the State Capitol. Also attended the “Universities United Legislative Reception” with representatives from Marshall University.", "notes":"", "numpax":6, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Asst. VP for Outreach", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Ann Bailey Berry", "vpdiv":"University Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Chancellor & Executive Dean for Health Sciences", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"WVUSoM"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Asst. VP for Outdoor Youth Advocacy & Initiatives", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Greg Corio", "vpdiv":"Provost's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Director, University Events", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Kelly Saunders Flanagan", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Provost and VP for Academic Affairs", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":"Provost's Office"}}, "regno":"N6NY", "route":"LBE-MGW-BKW-CRW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2023-01-30", "totalcost":9675.880000000001}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"King Air B200", "approvedby":"", "carbon":1823658, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":3650, "crew_expense":100, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":7.96, "hourly_rate":1825, "landing_fees":106}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"X20160330", "invoice":"", "justification":"", "notes":"", "numpax":6, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Angel Tuninetti", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"D DiBartolomeo", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Joyce Ellen McConnell", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Lisa DiBartolomeo", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Ryan Campione", "vpdiv":""}}, "regno":"N5AE", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2016-03-30", "totalcost":3863.96}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3218220, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5040, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":533.52, "hourly_rate":2520, "landing_fees":243}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":306.6816310750637, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"X20190808", "invoice":"", "justification":"", "notes":"", "numpax":7, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":7, "personname":"Laurie Erickson", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Leslie Miele", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Paula Congelio", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Sharon Martin", "vpdiv":""}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-MGW-LWB-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-08-08", "totalcost":5966.52}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3218220, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5040, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":253, "hourly_rate":2520, "landing_fees":243}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":306.68163107506365, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"X20190809", "invoice":"", "justification":"", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Leslie Miele", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Maryanne Reed", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Paula Congelio", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Sharon Martin", "vpdiv":""}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-LWB-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-08-09", "totalcost":5686}}}
Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).
This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.