Chartered Flights on Private Jets by the administrators of West Virginia University

Morgantown to Dulles, VA (round trip)

Trip Details
  1. Date
    May 16, 2017
  2. Route
  3. Destinations
    Morgantown, WV
    Dulles, VA
  4. Aircraft
    Citation Bravo (N26AP)
  5. Flight Hours
  6. Approx. Distance
    333.10 nmi
  7. Flight Crew
    John Mitchell Brock
    Julian Paul Simpson
  1. Hourly Rate
  2. Landing Fees
  3. Fuel Surcharge
  4. Crew Expenses
  5. Domestic Tax
  6. Est. Federal Tax

  7. Total
  8. (per passenger)

† Federal Excise Tax is only an estimate of the actual, at 7.5%. It is not included in the total.

Carbon Footprint
  1. Fuel Burned
    342 gal
  2. CO2 Emitted*
    3.06 metric tons

‡ Citation Bravo burns 171 gal/h.
* US Energy Information Administration (EIA) data shows the average CO2 emitted by burning 1 gallon of jet fuel/AVGAS is 8,939.50 grams.

Passengers (5)
Research Office
Research Office
Presentation at CNSF and visits with WV Congressional Delegation
Research Office
Research Office
Coordinating Dr. Sharma's participation in the CNSF event and Congressional meetings with the WV Delegation
Geology & Geography
Research Office
Shikha Shanna, Associate Professor/Associate Chair of Geology, will be representing WVU with her Marcellus Shale research titled "The Shale Tales" at the CNSF annual Hill Reception. Dr. Sharma has conducting numerous studies in the area of Shale Gas research and is the director of the WVU Stable Isotope Laboratory, which was predominantly funded by NSF. In addition to the CNSF event, we will be meeting with the Congressional oflice to share the background and developments related to Shale Gas research out of Dr. Sharma's lab.
Dept. of Statistics
Research Office
Mark Culp, Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics, was chosen by the American Statistical Association to represent them by showcasing the NSF-funded research he has conducted while here at WVU. Mark's research is titled "Machine Leaming Solutions to Big Data Problems" This research focuses on advancing the analytical methods of accessing/synthesizing "big data" that come from a variety of sources. In addition to the CNSF event, Dr. M. Culp will be meeting with the WV Congressional Delegation to share the background and developinents related to Dr. Culp's NSF-funded data research.
Dept. of Statistics
Research Office
Stacey Culp, Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, was asked to represent, along with Dr. M. Culp, the American Statistical Association by showcasing the additional applications and leveraged projects that resulted from Dr. M. Culp's NSF-funded "big data research. Stacey will be provicing additional context to the applications and research possibilities that have resulted from the initial NSF-funding. She will also be making the WV Congressional Delegation meetings tos howcase WVU's work in the area of Big Data.
  1. Justification
    WVU presentation at the Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) and Capitol Hill meetings with WV Congressional Delegation

  2. Signed for by
    Fred King
  3. Approved by
    Amy Garbrick
Trip Itinerary

itinerary.pdf (384.8 kB)

Reservation Form

reservation.pdf (1101.6 kB)

Invoice (2017-05)


Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).

This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.
