Chartered Flights on Private Jets by the administrators of West Virginia University

Morgantown to Parkersburg (Williamstown) to Martinsburg (round trip)

Trip Details
  1. Date
    Jun 4, 2019
  2. Route
  3. Destinations
    Morgantown, WV
    Parkersburg (Williamstown), WV
    Martinsburg, WV
  4. Aircraft
    Citation V Ultra (N6NY)
  5. Flight Hours
  6. Approx. Distance
    413.22 nmi
  7. Flight Crew
    Blake Joseph Cadwallader
    Michael Ross Stewardson
  1. Hourly Rate
  2. Landing Fees
  3. Fuel Surcharge
  4. Crew Expenses
  5. Domestic Tax
  6. Est. Federal Tax

  7. Total
  8. (per passenger)

† Federal Excise Tax is only an estimate of the actual, at 7.5%. It is not included in the total.

Carbon Footprint
  1. Fuel Burned
    448.50 gal
  2. CO2 Emitted*
    4.01 metric tons

‡ Citation V Ultra burns 195 gal/h.
* US Energy Information Administration (EIA) data shows the average CO2 emitted by burning 1 gallon of jet fuel/AVGAS is 8,939.50 grams.

Passengers (8)
WVU President
WVU First Lady
Dean, WVU Extension Service
Director of Athletics
VP for HSC and Executive Dean
WVU Associate Vice President for Coordination and Logistics & Chief Collaboration Officer
AVP for University Relations
WVU Government Relations
  1. Justification

    Various in each city, see below

    Passengers traveled to attend the news conference announcing the West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission (WVSSAC)-MVB Bank Opioid Awareness Summit Presented by West Virginia University and Marshall University. The Summit will consist of separate two-day meetings, the first on Sept. 17 at the WVW Coliseum in Morgantown and the second on Sept. 18 at Marshall’s Cam Henderson Center in Huntington. The Summit will serve as a kickoff to an extensive initiative focusing on prevention coupl ed with compassionate treatment programs and educational and employment opportunities. In addition to the press announcement, passengers traveled to a meeting with WV Delegate Joshua Higginbotham in Parkersburg.

    Martinsburg: Passengers traveled to Martinsburg to an event honoring Dr. Emma Eggleston, Associate VP of Health Sciences and Dean of the School of Medicine’s Eastern Campus. The event was hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Taylor Fithian and President Gee provided remarks on WV’s commitment to better health, and about the work the School of Medicine - Eastern Division is doing to strengthen health and fulfill our University’s life-changing mission. Passengers also traveled to the Martinsburg Journal for a media interview.

  2. Signed for by
    Amy Garbrick
  3. Approved by
    Amy Garbrick
Trip Itinerary

itinerary.pdf (82.0 kB)

Reservation Form

reservation.pdf (110.1 kB)

Invoice (2019-06)


Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).

This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.
