Chartered Flights on Private Jets by the administrators of West Virginia University

Morgantown to Manhattan, KS to Dallas, TX to Houston, TX (round trip)

Trip Details
  1. Date
    Jan 19-22, 2023
  2. Route
  3. Destinations
    Morgantown, WV
    Manhattan, KS
    Dallas, TX
    Houston, TX
  4. Aircraft
    Challenger 350 (N468CE)
  5. Flight Hours
  6. Approx. Distance
    2,417.81 nmi
  7. Flight Crew
    Allan David Eastbourn
    Duane Edwin Crumrine
  1. Hourly Rate
  2. Landing Fees
  3. Fuel Surcharge
  4. Crew Expenses
  5. Domestic Tax
  6. Est. Federal Tax

  7. Total
$ The cost of this flight is greater than the median household income in West Virginia.

† Federal Excise Tax is only an estimate of the actual, at 7.5%. It is not included in the total.

Carbon Footprint
  1. Fuel Burned
    2,416 gal
  2. CO2 Emitted*
    21.60 metric tons

‡ Challenger 350 burns 302 gal/h.
* US Energy Information Administration (EIA) data shows the average CO2 emitted by burning 1 gallon of jet fuel/AVGAS is 8,939.50 grams.

Passengers (1)
WVU President
President's Office
  1. Justification
    Multi-purpose trip: speaking engagement on “The Past, Present and Future of Higher Education” on the campus of Kansas State University as well as multiple meetings with KSU administrators regarding higher education; Dallas, IX for a meeting with approximately 10 colleague presidents and consultant to discuss national strategies and initiatives related to intercollegiate athletics; Houston TX for a WVU donor meeting as well as a meeting with the president of the University of Houston, Renu Khator, on issues related to higher education

  2. Signed for by
    Amy Garbrick
  3. Approved by
    Amy Garbrick
Trip Itinerary

itinerary.pdf (99.0 kB)

Reservation Form

reservation.pdf (72.5 kB)

Invoice (2023-01)


Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).

This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.
