Trip ID | Date | Route | Aircraft | Passengers | Distance | Flight Hours | Total Cost |
#085204 | Oct 25, 2023 | LBE-MGW-BOS-MGW-LBE | Citation XLS+ (N47EK) | E. Gee , L. Erickson , S. Biller , D. Anderson , W. Ramsey , J. Schoenherr , A. Rezai , V. Finomore | 959.80 nmi | 3.6 | $18,665.79 |
#085279 | Oct 16, 2023 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation Excel (N30EK) | A. Rezai , V. Finomore | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $9,097.72 |
#081790 | Dec 9, 2022 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N40WV) | E. Gee , J. Hoyer , T. Mollohan , A. Rezai | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $6,979.15 |
#081530 | Nov 3-4, 2022 | LBE-MGW-CMH-FLL-RON(1)-CMH-LBE | Citation Latitude (N674PP) | A. Rezai , K. Wallace , V. Finomore , C. Marsh | 2,038.94 nmi | 6.2 | $32,489.94 |
#X20220411 | Apr 11, 2022 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N40WV) | A. Rezai , A. Murray , V. Finomore , T. Mollohan | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $7,589.43 |
#079058 | Mar 28, 2022 | LBE-MGW-FXE-MGW-LBE | Citation XLS+ (N47EK) | E. Gee , A. Rezai , B. Davisson , L. Erickson | 1,704.24 nmi | 5.3 | $22,478.19 |
#078841 | Mar 10-11, 2022 | LBE-MGW-HXD-RON(1)-MGW-LBE | Citation XLS+ (N47EK) | E. Gee , L. Erickson , A. Rezai , A. Amireskandari , R. Yorty , B. Davisson | 983.51 nmi | 4.0 | $18,284.81 |
#X20210901 | Sep 1, 2021 | LBE-MGW-LWB-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N40WV) | E. Gee , A. Rezai | 306.68 nmi | 2.0 | $6,238.68 |
#076366 | Jun 10, 2021 | LBE-MGW-FLL-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | E. Gee , A. Rezai , V. Finomore , L. McCall | 1,719.19 nmi | 5.4 | $15,832.06 |
#076263 | May 21, 2021 | LBE-MGW-BNA-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | A. Rezai , K. Wallace , V. Finomore , A. Rai , J. Carpenter , J. Mahoney , P. D'Haese | 856.59 nmi | 3.1 | $9,556.92 |
#073128 | Feb 23-24, 2020 | LBE-MGW-BCT-RON(1)-HXD-MGW-LBE | Citation Excel (N504LV) | A. Rezai , E. Gee | 1,685.30 nmi | 5.3 | $21,724.70 |
#071569 | Oct 29-30, 2019 | LBE-MGW-IAD-RON(1)-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | A. Rezai , A. Amireskandari , K. Wallace , V. Finomore , M. Prunty , E. Gee , L. Erickson , C. Marsh | 333.10 nmi | 4.0 | $12,167.43 |
#X20190820-1 | Aug 20-21, 2019 | LBE-MGW-MSP-RON(1)-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | A. Rezai , V. Finomore , E. Olesh , M. Deogaonkar , G. Fiore | 1,426.26 nmi | 4.7 | $15,349.81 |
#068768 | Feb 13, 2019 | LBE-IAD-MGW-LBE | Citation Excel (N504LV) | C. Marsh , A. Rezai | 287.03 nmi | 2.0 | $7,483.25 |
#069149 | Feb 12, 2019 | LBE-MGW-IAD-MGW-LBE | Hawker 900XP (N819JR) | C. Marsh , A. Rezai , E. Gee | 333.10 nmi | 2.1 | $10,880.33 |
#067531 | Sep 27, 2018 | LBE-CMH-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | E. Gee , A. Rezai | 344.43 nmi | 2.0 | $6,008.00 |
#067454 | Sep 14, 2018 | LBE-MGW-CMH-MGW-IAD-CMH-CRW-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N369MN) | E. Gee , A. Rezai | 971.53 nmi | 4.7 | $14,232.03 |
#066284 | Jun 14, 2018 | LBE-MGW-IAD-MGW-LBE | Citation Bravo (N26AP) | C. Marsh , M. Haut , A. Rezai , S. Galster , V. Finomore , J. Hagen , W. Ramsey | 333.10 nmi | 2.0 | $5,988.56 |
#065626 | Apr 29, 2018 | LBE-LWB-MGW-LBE | Citation V Ultra (N6NY) | E. Gee , L. Erickson , R. Yorty , A. Rezai , A. Amireskandari | 306.68 nmi | 2.0 | $5,356.97 |
#065095 | Apr 10-11, 2018 | LBE-MGW-IAD-RON(1)-MGW-LBE | Citation V Ultra (N6NY) | C. Marsh , A. Rezai | 333.10 nmi | 4.0 | $11,613.05 |
#064976 | Mar 19-21, 2018 | LBE-TEB-MGW-SNA-RON(2)-SJC-CMH-MGW-LBE | Citation Sovereign (N468CE) | E. Gee , J. McConnell , C. Marsh , A. Rezai , J. Reyes | 4,675.19 nmi | 13.2 | $61,637.96 |
#065044 | Feb 20, 2018 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation V Ultra (N6NY) | E. Gee , J. McConnell , C. Marsh , A. Rezai , F. Tack , J. Deskins , J. Gidley , S. Hodder | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $5,401.54 |
#064662 | Jan 31 - Feb 4, 2018 | LBE-MGW-TEB-RON(1)-TEB-MGW-DFW-RON(1)-DFW-PIE-RON(1)-PIE-SRQ-BCT-RON(1)-BCT-ORL-MGW-LBE | Citation Excel (N504LV) | E. Gee , C. Marsh , A. Rezai , L. Erickson | 3,357.76 nmi | 12.0 | $48,927.54 |
#061697 | Feb 28, 2017 | LBE-TEB-MGW-CMH-LBE | Citation Bravo (N26AP) | C. Marsh , A. Rezai | 823.80 nmi | 3.6 | $9,700.67 |
#061318 | Feb 6, 2017 | LBE-CMH-MGW-IAD-MGW-CMH-LBE | Citation V Ultra (N60KM) | C. Marsh , E. Gee , A. Wright JR , A. Rezai , R. Goodwin | 843.10 nmi | 3.8 | $11,062.04 |
Total 25 trips | 103.0 | $394,746.57 | |||||
est. Federal Excise Tax† | $29,605.99 |
† : Federal Excise Tax is only an estimate of the actual, at 7.5%.
maps.Params{"draft":false, "iscjklanguage":false, "lastdept":"Assoc Dean of Neuroscience", "lastvpdiv":"WVU HSC Rockefeller Neuroscience Inst.", "name":"Ali Rezai", "persontype":"wvu", "totalsolocost":0, "totalsolodistance":0, "totalsolotrips":0, "totaltripcost":394746.56999999995, "totaltripdistance":25853.826961201343, "totaltrips":25, "trips":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation V Ultra", "approvedby":"", "carbon":6624169, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":9006, "crew_expense":100, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":918.41, "hourly_rate":2370, "landing_fees":1037.63}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":843.0976709477789, "enddate":"", "flighthours":3.8, "fuelburn":0, "id":"061318", "invoice":"", "justification":"To introduce the world renowned neuroscientist Dr. Ali Rezai and potential WVU Medicine Neuroscience signature program lead to Senator Jay Rockefeller. Now that the Blanchette Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute is under WVU tutelage it is important for the Senator to meet with the potential new leader bearing the Rockefeller name", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"CEO/President", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Albert Leroy Wright JR", "vpdiv":"WVU Medicine"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"Guest/Recruit", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"WVU Medicine"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"VP", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"President", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"WVU President"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"Associate VP for Public Strategy", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Rochelle Goodwin", "vpdiv":"WVU Academic Affairs"}}, "regno":"N60KM", "route":"LBE-CMH-MGW-IAD-MGW-CMH-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2017-02-06", "totalcost":11062.04}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Bravo", "approvedby":"", "carbon":5503156, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":7740, "crew_expense":100, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":875.54, "hourly_rate":2150, "landing_fees":985.13}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":823.7963521871911, "enddate":"", "flighthours":3.6, "fuelburn":0, "id":"061697", "invoice":"", "justification":"Accompany recruit for Neuroscience signature program, Dr. Ali Razai, to NYC to attend meetings with the Thunder 11 Team, Sloane Kettering Hospital for his research mission and introduction/private dinner with Arianna Huffington/Huffington Post", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"HSC WVU Neuroscience top recruit", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"HSC"}}, "regno":"N26AP", "route":"LBE-TEB-MGW-CMH-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2017-02-28", "totalcost":9700.67}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Excel", "approvedby":"", "carbon":26603952, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":37920, "crew_expense":2800, "domestic_tax":21, "fuel":4311.44, "hourly_rate":3160, "landing_fees":3875.1}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":3357.758538774217, "enddate":"2018-02-04", "flighthours":12, "fuelburn":0, "id":"064662", "invoice":"", "justification":"Multiple purposes: 1. Thrive Global organization meeting in NYC; 2. Big 12 meeting in Dallas; 3, keynote address at high ed conference in Clearwater Beach, FL; 4. donor relations meeting in Sarasota; 5, donor relations meeting in West Palm Beach; 6. donor relations meeting in Orlando\n\nPresident Gee, Clay Marsh and Ali Rezai will meet with Arianna Huffington and the Thrive Global Team in NYC to continue dialog to brand/partner and market WVU and the state of WV. President Gee will attend the Big 12 Board of Directors meeting in Dallas. In Clearwater Beach, FL, President Gee will provide the keynote address at the 39th Annual Higher Education Conference \"Eve of Disruption, Courageously Meeting Higher Education in Times of Transition.\" President Gee will have a donor relations meeting in Sarasota. In West Palm and Orlando, President Gee and Mrs. Erickson will meet have multiple donor relations meetings.", "notes":"", "numpax":4, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Director of WVU RNI", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU HSC VP and Exec Dean", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU First Lady", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Laurie Erickson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}}, "regno":"N504LV", "route":"LBE-MGW-TEB-RON(1)-TEB-MGW-DFW-RON(1)-DFW-PIE-RON(1)-PIE-SRQ-BCT-RON(1)-BCT-ORL-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-01-31", "totalcost":48927.54}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Sovereign", "approvedby":"", "carbon":33394396, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":49500, "crew_expense":1400, "domestic_tax":33.6, "fuel":8064.65, "hourly_rate":3750, "landing_fees":2639.71}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":4675.193281040817, "enddate":"2018-03-21", "flighthours":13.2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"064976", "invoice":"", "justification":"2018 Institute of International Education (IIE) Andrew Heiskell Awards\n\nPresident Gee and Provost McConnell will attend the 2018 Institute of International Education (IIE) Andrew Heiskell Awards event in which WVU and the Royal University for Women will receive the award for International Partnerships. This award recognizes strategic, comprehensive and innovative international partnership efforts. They will also have donor relations meetings in NYC, including an alum/ WVU Foundation Board member.", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Rockefeller Neurosciences Inst. Director", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU HSC VP and Exec Dean", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU College of B&E Dean", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Javier Reyes", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Provost and VP for Academic Affairs", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Joyce Ellen McConnell", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}}, "regno":"N468CE", "route":"LBE-TEB-MGW-SNA-RON(2)-SJC-CMH-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-03-19", "totalcost":61637.96}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation V Ultra", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3486405, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":4750, "crew_expense":130, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":243.54, "hourly_rate":2375, "landing_fees":278}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"065044", "invoice":"", "justification":"Two business purposes: 1. Mecting with legislators at the State Capitol during the legislative session; 2. WVU David C. Hardesty Jr. Festival of Ideas\n\nPresident Gee, Provost McConnelL, Clay Marsh, Kob Alsop and Blake Humphrey traveled to Charleston for meetings with legislators at the State Capitol during the legislative session. Ali Rezai, Clay Marsh, Frankie Tack, John Deskins and Sally Hodder participated as panelists at the WVU Festival of Ideas event titled: Understanding the Opioid Epidemic. The panel of experts will examine ways that WVU is helping our state: bringing our neurosciences experts into the light, increasing education for health professionals and expanding patient wellness and behavioral health programs. President Gee and Provost McConnell will stay in Charleston for the Festival of Ideas event to include a private reception in partnership with the Charleston Gazette, Janette Gidley traveled in her donor relations role to interact with donors in the Charleston area that will attend the event.", "notes":"", "numpax":8, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Director, WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"Health Sciences Center"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4, 6", "department":"VP HSC and Executive Dean", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"Health Sciences Center"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4, 6", "department":"President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Addictions Minor Coordinator and Clinical Asst Professor", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Frankie Tack", "vpdiv":"Health Sciences Center"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"HSC Donor Relations", "justification":"", "paxno":7, "personname":"Janette Gidley", "vpdiv":"Health Sciences Center"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Director, WVU Bureau and Business and Economic Research", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"John Deskins", "vpdiv":"Health Sciences Center"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"2, 4, 6", "department":"Provost and VP AA", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Joyce Ellen McConnell", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Associate VP for Clinical and Translation Science and Director of WVCTSI", "justification":"", "paxno":8, "personname":"Sally L. Hodder", "vpdiv":"Health Sciences Center"}}, "regno":"N6NY", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-02-20", "totalcost":5401.54}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation V Ultra", "approvedby":"", "carbon":6972810, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":9500, "crew_expense":700, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":590.52, "hourly_rate":2375, "landing_fees":822.53}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":333.10303380141875, "enddate":"2018-04-11", "flighthours":4, "fuelburn":0, "id":"065095", "invoice":"", "justification":"Meet with legislative official and introduce Dr. Rezai and provide a personal understanding of the Rockefeller Neuroscience mission and vision. Also met for dinner with Dr. David Brody Dean of the University Center for Neuroscience and Regenerstive Medicine and lunch with Eric Schoomaker from DVCIPM (Dept. Of Veteran's Center for Integrated Pain Management). These meetings are critical for WV and RNI's mission/vision to develop programs for integrated pain management.\n\nMeet with legislative official and introduce Dr. Rezai and provide a personal understanding of the Rockefeller Neuroscience mission and vision.", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"WVU HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"WVU HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}}, "regno":"N6NY", "route":"LBE-MGW-IAD-RON(1)-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-04-10", "totalcost":11613.050000000001}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation V Ultra", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3486405, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":4750, "crew_expense":130, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":217.17, "hourly_rate":2375, "landing_fees":259.8}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":306.68163107506365, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"065626", "invoice":"", "justification":"Spirit of the Mountains speaking engagement in Charleston / WVU Cancer Center annual fundraising gala in Lewisburg\n\nPresident Gee and Provost McConnell will travel to CRW to attend the annual Spirit of the Mountains event (President Gee will speak and receive the 2018 Spirit of the Mountain Award) This program is part of the OH-WV Youth Leadership Association. President Gee will also have a private meeting with former WV Govemor Gaston Caperton. From CRW President Gee and Provost McConneli will travel to LWB for the annual WWW Cancer Center fundraiser gala and related events. On April 29, President Gee, Mrs. Erickson, Robin Yorty, Ali Rezai and Annahita Amireskandari will return from the Cancer Center fundraiser to Morgantown. All passengers traveled to and from the gala in their official University capacity.", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 6", "department":"WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Inst.", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 6", "department":"Spouse of Ali Rezai", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Annahitta Amireskandari", "vpdiv":"HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 6", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 6", "department":"WVU First Lady", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Laurie Erickson", "vpdiv":"PO"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4, 6", "department":"Exec. Dir. University and Liaison to the President/ Donor Relations", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Robin L Yorty", "vpdiv":"PO"}}, "regno":"N6NY", "route":"LBE-LWB-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-04-29", "totalcost":5356.97}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Bravo", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3057309, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":4530, "crew_expense":130, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":516.04, "hourly_rate":2265, "landing_fees":812.52}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":333.10303380141875, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"066284", "invoice":"", "justification":"To explore business collaboration with the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute and the Uniformed Services University/Gen. Tom Thomas", "notes":"", "numpax":7, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Center", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"WVU HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Center", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Josh Hagen", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Center", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Marc Haut", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Center", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Scott Galster", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Center", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Victor Finomore", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"HSC VP", "justification":"", "paxno":7, "personname":"William Ramsey", "vpdiv":"HSC VP"}}, "regno":"N26AP", "route":"LBE-MGW-IAD-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-06-14", "totalcost":5988.5599999999995}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ3", "approvedby":"", "carbon":7142660, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":11609, "crew_expense":130, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":1593.24, "hourly_rate":2470, "landing_fees":899.79}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":971.5261205615782, "enddate":"", "flighthours":4.7, "fuelburn":0, "id":"067454", "invoice":"", "justification":"Columbus, OH- to attend the Solis board meeting to further the mission at RNI to help incorporate new technology for pain management. Dinner in Charleston as a panel member for the WV Parkinson's Symposium dinner.\n\nThe Columbus event is from 1pm to 5pm and the Charleston event is from 6pm to 8pm. Both events are critical to furthering the mission of the RNI and the timing does not allow Dr. Rezai to travel by car and be at both events. Dr. Rezai's expertise in the area of pain management is important to the Solis meeting and WV and globally. His expertise as a panelist will further the WVU RNI statewide presence at the WV Parkinson's Symposium. Dr. Rezai will overnight in Charleston and travel back to Morgantown by car.", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}}, "regno":"N369MN", "route":"LBE-MGW-CMH-MGW-IAD-CMH-CRW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-09-14", "totalcost":14232.029999999999}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3218220, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":4850, "crew_expense":130, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":578, "hourly_rate":2425, "landing_fees":450}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":344.4288727734579, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"067531", "invoice":"", "justification":"Various meetings. See below.\n\n1. Meeting with Micah Kamrass, a lawyer who specializes in Greek issues, regarding WVU Greek Life; 2. Meeting with Jeff Kaplan regarding a possible collaboration with WVU; 3. WVU recruitment and development meetings", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"<blank>"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-CMH-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-09-27", "totalcost":6008}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Excel", "approvedby":"", "carbon":4433992, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":6460, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":362.97, "hourly_rate":3230, "landing_fees":510.28}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":287.03337438246393, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"068768", "invoice":"", "justification":"To facilitate and finalize the partnership with WVU RNI and Medtronics. The request to meet in person was from the CEO of Medtronics and attend the Harvard Business Review Private Forum. Medtronic is the world's largest medical device company that generates the majority of its sales and profits from the U.S. healthcare system. Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute has 3 to 4 research & development collaborations in the works with them.", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"WVU RNI", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3", "department":"WVU HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}}, "regno":"N504LV", "route":"LBE-IAD-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-02-13", "totalcost":7483.25}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Hawker 900XP", "approvedby":"", "carbon":4899739, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":7738.5, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":416.38, "hourly_rate":3685, "landing_fees":2575.45}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":333.10303380141875, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2.1, "fuelburn":0, "id":"069149", "invoice":"", "justification":"Education Advisory Board meeting\n\nMulti-purpose trip: President Gee will attend the Education Advisory Board meeting, multiple meetings with members of the congressional delegation and staff, speak at a reception hosted by WVU for WV delegation staffers as well as alums in the area. He will also attend a meeting with former US WV Senator Jay Rockefeller, who established what is now the Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute, Jency and Corio will meet with US WV Senator Joe Manchin, at his request, for an update on the WWU/BSA partnership. They will also attend the WV-hosted congressional reception.", "notes":"", "numpax":3, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"WVU RNI", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"WVU HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"President", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}}, "regno":"N819JR", "route":"LBE-MGW-IAD-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-02-12", "totalcost":10880.33}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":6436440, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":10080, "crew_expense":750, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":427.5, "hourly_rate":2520, "landing_fees":909.93}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":333.10303380141875, "enddate":"2019-10-30", "flighthours":4, "fuelburn":0, "id":"071569", "invoice":"", "justification":"Rockefeller Critical Issues Forum hosted by the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute and the Rockefeller School of Policy and Politics in Washington DC\n\nThe purpose of the travel is to attend the Rockefeller Critical Issues Forum hosted by the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute and the Rockefeller School of Policy and Politics in Washington DC on October 30, 2019. The event is being kicked off by a private dinner at the home of Senator and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller on October 29. President Gee, Clay Marsh, Ali Rezai, Karyn Wallace and Victor Finomore are participating in the forum as speakers. Morgan Prunty is serving as the event planner for the event.", "notes":"", "numpax":8, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Executive Chair - Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute / HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Fellow, Cornea Service, WVU School of Medicine", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Annahitta Amireskandari", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute / HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Vice President & Executive Dean for Health Sciences", "justification":"", "paxno":8, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"Health Sciences Center"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Vice President, Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Karyn Riedeman Wallace", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute / HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU First Lady", "justification":"", "paxno":7, "personname":"Laurie Erickson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Program Assistant II - WVU Department of Neuroscience", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Morgan Prunty", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute / HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Director of Research, Development, and Data Analytics - Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Victor Finomore", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute / HSC"}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-MGW-IAD-RON(1)-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-10-29", "totalcost":12167.43}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Excel", "approvedby":"", "carbon":11750078, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":17887.5, "crew_expense":750, "domestic_tax":8.6, "fuel":1313.9, "hourly_rate":3375, "landing_fees":1764.7}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":1685.2970103652212, "enddate":"2020-02-24", "flighthours":5.3, "fuelburn":0, "id":"073128", "invoice":"", "justification":"Donor relations\n\nDr. Rezai will travel to FL to attend (along with President Gee) multiple donor relations meetings related to the WVU Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute. From FL, both Gee and Rezai will travel to Hilton Head, SC for continued stewardship and donor relations meetings, then back to MGW.", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Director, Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute; Associate Dean; John D. Rockefeller IV tenured professor in neuroscience", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}}, "regno":"N504LV", "route":"LBE-MGW-BCT-RON(1)-HXD-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2020-02-23", "totalcost":21724.7}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":4988241, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":8098.75, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":676.82, "hourly_rate":2612.5, "landing_fees":631.35}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":856.5937029822328, "enddate":"", "flighthours":3.1, "fuelburn":0, "id":"076263", "invoice":"", "justification":"Clinic in Gilbert\n\nclinical", "notes":"", "numpax":6, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Ansaar Tariq Rai", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"James Mahoney", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Jeffrey Carpenter", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Karyn Riedeman Wallace", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":7, "personname":"Pierre D'Haese", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Victor Finomore", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-MGW-BNA-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2021-05-21", "totalcost":9556.92}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":8689194, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":14107.5, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":1189.34, "hourly_rate":2612.5, "landing_fees":385.22}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":1719.1851643529046, "enddate":"", "flighthours":5.4, "fuelburn":0, "id":"076366", "invoice":"", "justification":"Donor relations\n\nTravel to Ft Lauderdale, FL for a meeting with the Mangurian Foundation. The purpose of the meeting with the Mangurian Foundation is a for proposal development to gauge interest in additional support for the Human Operating System (formerly branded as the COVID-19 project) at the Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute.", "notes":"", "numpax":4, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Director, Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute; Associate Dean; John D. Rockefeller IV tenured professor in neuroscience", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Sr. Director of Development Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Laura McCall", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"director of Human Performance and Applied Neuroscience research center at the Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute and assistant professor in the Department of Neuroscience", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Victor Finomore", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-MGW-FLL-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2021-06-10", "totalcost":15832.06}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation XLS+", "approvedby":"", "carbon":8617678, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":14288, "crew_expense":750, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":2941.81, "hourly_rate":3572, "landing_fees":305}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":983.5103038011334, "enddate":"2022-03-11", "flighthours":4, "fuelburn":0, "id":"078841", "invoice":"", "justification":"Donor relations, speaking engagement for Dr. Rezai\n\nPassengers will travel to Hilton Head SC for several events with with WVU donors, as well as a speaking engagement by Dr. Rezai at the Fifth Annual Memory Matters Brain Health Summit, with is topic being: \"Breaking Barriers: Technological Innovations Changing the Management and Treatment of Neurological Disorders.\" Passengers will also attend the WVU Palmetto Chapter Alumni and Friends Reception following the Brian Summit, where they will interact with WWU alums and donors from the Hilton Head area.", "notes":"", "numpax":6, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Exec. Chair, WVU Rockefeller Neurosciences Institute", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU School of Medicine", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Annahitta Amireskandari", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer, WVU Foundation", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Bernard Joseph Davisson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU First Lady", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Laurie Erickson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Exec Dir for University Events/ Donor Relations Liaison", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Robin L Yorty", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}}, "regno":"N47EK", "route":"LBE-MGW-HXD-RON(1)-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2022-03-10", "totalcost":18284.81}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation XLS+", "approvedby":"", "carbon":11418423, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":18931.6, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":3216.59, "hourly_rate":3572, "landing_fees":180}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":1704.2396846663266, "enddate":"", "flighthours":5.3, "fuelburn":0, "id":"079058", "invoice":"", "justification":"Donor relations\n\nPassengers will travel to Ft. Lauderdale for donor relations meetings. The Mangurian Foundation invited WVU/Dr. Rezai to offer a proposal for support from their Foundation. This proposal will be for a potential naming opportunity and will be a substantial funding ask for the RNI with the hope of ongoing support.", "notes":"", "numpax":4, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Exec Chair, WVU Neurosciences Institute", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"VP and Chief Exec Officer, WVU Foundation", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Bernard Joseph Davisson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU First Lady", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Laurie Erickson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}}, "regno":"N47EK", "route":"LBE-MGW-FXE-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2022-03-28", "totalcost":22478.19}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Latitude", "approvedby":"", "carbon":16350345, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":25356.45, "crew_expense":850, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":5735.74, "hourly_rate":4089.75, "landing_fees":547.75}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":2038.9350550184968, "enddate":"2022-11-04", "flighthours":6.2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"081530", "invoice":"", "justification":"To meet with donors at the Mangurian Foundation, explore research collaborations with Insightec, and discuss future partnerships with the University of Miami\n\nTo meet with donors at the Mangurian Foundation, explore research collaborations with Insightes, and discuss future partnerships with the University of Miami. Due to a funeral in the family of Dr. Clay Marsh, and his relevance to this business meeting in Florida, his pick up and return locations have been approved for Columbus, OH.", "notes":"", "numpax":4, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"HSC (Health Sciences Center)", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Chanceller and Executive Dean, West Virginia University Health Sciences", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"<blank>"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"HSC (Health Sciences Center)", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Karyn Riedeman Wallace", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"HSC (Health Sciences Center)", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Victor Finomore", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute (RNI)"}}, "regno":"N674PP", "route":"LBE-MGW-CMH-FLL-RON(1)-CMH-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2022-11-03", "totalcost":32489.940000000002}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ3", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3039430, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5576.5, "crew_expense":155, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":868.56, "hourly_rate":2788.25, "landing_fees":379.09}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"081790", "invoice":"", "justification":"Spirit of the Valley event\n\nRepresent WVU at the annual Spirit of the Valley event honoring Pat Graney. The award recognizes a community member who exemplifies community service.", "notes":"", "numpax":4, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Executive Chair & VP of Neuroscience", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"WVUSoM"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"VP of Start-Up WV", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"James Hoyer", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Director of Government Relations", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Travis Todd Mollohan", "vpdiv":"Strategic Initiatives"}}, "regno":"N40WV", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2022-12-09", "totalcost":6979.15}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation XLS+", "approvedby":"", "carbon":7755910, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":13662.9, "crew_expense":170, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":4169.14, "hourly_rate":3795.25, "landing_fees":663.75}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":959.7976802498397, "enddate":"", "flighthours":3.6, "fuelburn":0, "id":"085204", "invoice":"", "justification":"donor relations\n\nTravel to Boston, MA to meet with WVU donor George Bennett along with donors Bob (WVU Board member) and Laura Reynolds for dinner during the 2023 Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease (CTAD) conference in Boston in which Dr. Ali Rezai will present \"Accelerated B-amyloid plaque reduction in Alzheimer's disease combining aducanumab infusion with focused ultrasound blood-brain barrier opening.\" This meeting will focus on maximizing Dr. Rezai's research.", "notes":"", "numpax":8, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"Assoc Dean of Neuroscience", "justification":"", "paxno":7, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"WVU HSC Rockefeller Neuroscience Inst."}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"Visiting Committee Member-Statler", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Dianne Anderson", "vpdiv":"Anderson Energy"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"Assoc VP, HSC Development", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Jeff Schoenherr", "vpdiv":"WVU Foundation"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"WVU First Lady", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Laurie Erickson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"Executive Director", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Sarah Biller", "vpdiv":"Vantage Ventures"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"Executive Director of Research Operations", "justification":"", "paxno":8, "personname":"Victor Finomore", "vpdiv":"WVU Health Sciences Administration"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"Assoc VP for Coordination", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"William Ramsey", "vpdiv":"WVU Health Sciences Administration"}}, "regno":"N47EK", "route":"LBE-MGW-BOS-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2023-10-25", "totalcost":18665.79}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Excel", "approvedby":"", "carbon":4433992, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":7410, "crew_expense":170, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":1120.73, "hourly_rate":3705, "landing_fees":396.99}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"085279", "invoice":"", "justification":"WV Legislature will be hosting a general session panel on the future of health care and research. Speaker Hanshaw is inviting Dr. Rezai to participate in the panel, along with healthcare professionals from Marshall. The panel will be moderated by Toney Stroud, Chief Legal Officer of Marshall University.", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"Director, Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute; Associate Dean; John D. Rockefeller IV tenured professor in neuroscience", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"Executive Director of Research Operations", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Victor Finomore", "vpdiv":"Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute"}}, "regno":"N30EK", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2023-10-16", "totalcost":9097.72}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":7562817, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":11844, "crew_expense":750, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":1701.28, "hourly_rate":2520, "landing_fees":1054.53}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":1426.2625092667015, "enddate":"2019-08-21", "flighthours":4.7, "fuelburn":0, "id":"X20190820-1", "invoice":"", "justification":"", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Erienne Olesh", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Gregory Fiore", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Milind Deogaonkar", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Victor Finomore", "vpdiv":""}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-MGW-MSP-RON(1)-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-08-20", "totalcost":15349.810000000001}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ3", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3039430, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5415, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":507.18, "hourly_rate":2707.5, "landing_fees":166.5}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":306.6816310750637, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"X20210901", "invoice":"", "justification":"", "notes":"", "numpax":2, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ali Rezai", "vpdiv":""}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"", "department":"", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. 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This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.