Trip ID | Date | Route | Aircraft | Passengers | Distance | Flight Hours | Total Cost |
#082196 | Feb 8, 2023 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N40WV) | E. Gee , C. Farris , R. Fucillo , K. Blemings | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $8,419.69 |
#081629 | Nov 30, 2022 | LBE-MGW-RIC-MGW-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N40WV) | C. Farris , M. Gavin , S. Taylor , M. MacDonald , R. Fucillo | 443.52 nmi | 2.3 | $8,574.53 |
#071852 | Oct 21, 2019 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation CJ3 (N369MN) | E. Gee , A. Berry , S. Day-Perroots , C. Farris | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $6,138.66 |
#069651 | Mar 19, 2019 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation Excel (N504LV) | E. Gee , C. Farris , S. Lee | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $7,542.88 |
#069348 | Mar 7, 2019 | LBE-CMH-MGW-LBE | Citation Encore (N511TH) | E. Gee , C. Marsh , A. Berry , C. Farris , M. Poore , G. Zimmerman | 344.43 nmi | 2.0 | $6,166.49 |
#067888 | Nov 11-13, 2018 | LBE-MGW-CMH-NEW-RON(2)-MGW-LBE | Citation Excel (N504LV) | E. Gee , J. McConnell , L. DiBartolomeo , J. Campbell , C. Farris , L. Erickson | 1,681.59 nmi | 6.0 | $25,000.15 |
#062237 | May 1, 2017 | LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE | Citation V Ultra (N6NY) | E. Gee , K. Blemings , A. Berry , S. Martin , J. Bolt , C. Farris | 307.85 nmi | 2.0 | $5,517.47 |
Total 7 trips | 18.3 | $67,359.87 | |||||
est. Federal Excise Tax† | $5,051.99 |
† : Federal Excise Tax is only an estimate of the actual, at 7.5%.
maps.Params{"draft":false, "iscjklanguage":false, "lastdept":"Dean of Students", "lastvpdiv":"Provost's Office", "name":"Corey Farris", "persontype":"wvu", "totalsolocost":0, "totalsolodistance":0, "totalsolotrips":0, "totaltripcost":67359.87, "totaltripdistance":3700.935197097934, "totaltrips":7, "trips":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation V Ultra", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3486405, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":4740, "crew_expense":100, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":319.47, "hourly_rate":2370, "landing_fees":358}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"062237", "invoice":"", "justification":"WV 2017 County tour- Kanawha County\n\nAs part of the WVU Gee County Tour 2017, travelers visited the State Journal for media interviow, met with a WVU recruiter in Charleston ahead of speaking to students and staft at St. Albans High School, George Washington High School and Herbert Hoover High School", "notes":"", "numpax":6, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"WVU AVP UR", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Ann Bailey Berry", "vpdiv":"University Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"WVU Dean of Students", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Corey Farris", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"WVU UR Director of News", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"John Bolt", "vpdiv":"University Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"WVU Honors Dean", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Kenneth Paul Blemings", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"3, 4", "department":"VP UR", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Sharon Martin", "vpdiv":"University Relations"}}, "regno":"N6NY", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2017-05-01", "totalcost":5517.47}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Excel", "approvedby":"", "carbon":13301976, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":18960, "crew_expense":1400, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":3288.16, "hourly_rate":3160, "landing_fees":1351.99}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":1681.5936750596575, "enddate":"2018-11-13", "flighthours":6, "fuelburn":0, "id":"067888", "invoice":"", "justification":"Speech at BrickStreet Board of Directors Retreat in Columbus, OH; attend the Association for Public Land Grant Universities Annual meeting in New Orleans.\n\nTravel to Columbus, OH to speak at the BrickStreet Board of Directors Retreat; Travel to New Orleans for the Association of Public Land Grant Universities annual meeting. The theme of the 2018 Annual Meeting was Resilience: Turning Challenges into Opportunities. Sessions explored the capacity of universities, their communities, and partners to adapt and thrive no matter what stresses or acute shocks they experience.", "notes":"", "numpax":7, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Dean of Students", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Corey Farris", "vpdiv":"Student Life"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Vice Provost", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"John Patrick Campbell", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"VP for Academic Affairs", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Joyce Ellen McConnell", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"First Lady, WVU", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"Laurie Erickson", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"2018-2019 ACE Fellow, WVU World Languages, Literatures and Linguistics", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Lisa DiBartolomeo", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}}, "regno":"N504LV", "route":"LBE-MGW-CMH-NEW-RON(2)-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2018-11-11", "totalcost":25000.15}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Encore", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3218220, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5040, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":421.49, "hourly_rate":2520, "landing_fees":555}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":344.4288727734579, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"069348", "invoice":"", "justification":"WV economic development and student recruitment\n\nPresident Gee will meet with consultants regarding creating a regional strategy between WV, PA and OH and how WVU can further initiate change within our state and beyond. Dr. Marsh wil meet with the VP and Founder of Big Red Rooster, a brand experience/marketing firm regarding business development. Additionaly, Dr. Marsh will meet with WVU consultants in Columbus regarding the marketing meeting. The evening of March 7, all passengers wil attend WVUs' \"Ask Us Anything\" event in Columbus. Ask Us Anything is an opportunity for local high school students and parents (as well as recently admitted students and parents) to speak directly with WVU administrators on the admissions process.", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"AVP University Relations / Marketing", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Ann Bailey Berry", "vpdiv":"University Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"VP, HSC", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Clay Braden Marsh", "vpdiv":"VP HSC"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Dean of Students", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Corey Farris", "vpdiv":"Student Life"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Executive Director of Admissions and Recruitment", "justification":"", "paxno":6, "personname":"George Zimmerman", "vpdiv":"Enrollment Management/University Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"VP for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Meshea Poore", "vpdiv":"Diversity, Equity and Inclusion"}}, "regno":"N511TH", "route":"LBE-CMH-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-03-07", "totalcost":6166.49}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation Excel", "approvedby":"", "carbon":4433992, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":6460, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":614.88, "hourly_rate":3230, "landing_fees":318}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"069651", "invoice":"", "justification":"Student Recruitment: Ask Us Anything event\n\nTravel to Charleston, WV to represent WVU at an \"Ask Us Anything\" event hosted by WVU. Ask Us Anything events are held around the state and surrounding states to give potential WVU students (current high school juniors and seniors) an opportunity to speak with WVU officials, ask question and learn more about the University. The purpose of these events is student recruitment.", "notes":"", "numpax":3, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"6", "department":"Dean of Students", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Corey Farris", "vpdiv":"Student Life"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"6", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"6", "department":"Exec Director of Admissions", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Stephen Lee", "vpdiv":"University Relations"}}, "regno":"N504LV", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-03-19", "totalcost":7542.88}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ3", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3039430, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":5230, "crew_expense":150, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":450.66, "hourly_rate":2615, "landing_fees":308}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"071852", "invoice":"", "justification":"Recruiting\n\nPassengers visited a WVU Extension Family Nutrition Program event in Charleston, spoke to students and staff at Charleston Catholic High School (recruiting), visited the WVU Logan Co Extension Office, and ended at a WVU Ask Us Anything event held in Logan County. These events are designed to allow potential WVU students and parents the opportunity to talk one-on-one with WVU staff, students and alumni in a relaxed atmosphere.", "notes":"", "numpax":4, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU AVP for Marketing and Outreach", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Ann Bailey Berry", "vpdiv":"University Relations"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU Dean of Students", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Corey Farris", "vpdiv":"Student Life"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU Extension Interim Dean", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Susan Day-Perroots", "vpdiv":"Academic Affairs"}}, "regno":"N369MN", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2019-10-21", "totalcost":6138.66}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ3", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3495344, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":6412.97, "crew_expense":155, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":1826.56, "hourly_rate":2788.25, "landing_fees":180}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":443.5164067896338, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2.3, "fuelburn":0, "id":"081629", "invoice":"", "justification":"Meetings related to recruitment efforts for high-level position in the WVU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics.", "notes":"", "numpax":5, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Student Life", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"Corey Farris", "vpdiv":"Student Life Dean"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Provost's Office", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Mark Bradley Gavin", "vpdiv":"Provost"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Housing & Res Life", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Michael Christopher MacDonald", "vpdiv":"Office of Student Life"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"Government Relations", "justification":"", "paxno":5, "personname":"Rocco Fucillo", "vpdiv":"VPSI Strategic Initiatives"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4, 6", "department":"General Counsel", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Stephanie Taylor", "vpdiv":"GC General Counsel"}}, "regno":"N40WV", "route":"LBE-MGW-RIC-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2022-11-30", "totalcost":8574.53}, map[string]interface {}{"aircraft":"Citation CJ3", "approvedby":"", "carbon":3039430, "cost":map[string]interface {}{"billing_amount":6137, "crew_expense":170, "domestic_tax":0, "fuel":1733.6, "hourly_rate":3068.5, "landing_fees":379.09}, "crew":[]interface {}{}, "destinations":[]interface {}{}, "distance":307.8490606187963, "enddate":"", "flighthours":2, "fuelburn":0, "id":"082196", "invoice":"", "justification":"Multi-purpose. See below.\n\nMulti-purpose: 1. Meetings with State legislators as well as Governor Justice on matters related to WVU during the legislative session; 2. Student recruitment event in Charleston for Kanawha Valley students.", "notes":"", "numpax":4, "passengers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Dean of Students", "justification":"", "paxno":2, "personname":"Corey Farris", "vpdiv":"Provost's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"WVU President", "justification":"", "paxno":1, "personname":"E. Gordon Gee", "vpdiv":"President's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Dean of Honors College", "justification":"", "paxno":4, "personname":"Kenneth Paul Blemings", "vpdiv":"Provost's Office"}, map[string]interface {}{"code":"4", "department":"Sr Advisor and Director of State Relations", "justification":"", "paxno":3, "personname":"Rocco Fucillo", "vpdiv":"Government Relations"}}, "regno":"N40WV", "route":"LBE-MGW-CRW-MGW-LBE", "routestr":"", "signedby":"", "startdate":"2023-02-08", "totalcost":8419.69}}}
Information on this site is classified as public record and was obtained from a legal request pursuant to W.Va. Code § 29B-1-1 et. seq. (WVFOIA).
This site is not affiliated with West Virginia University or LJ Aviation.